Mandible Fracture

Pre-op Meds: Ancef or clindamycin, 8 mg Decadron

Anesthesia:  general, hypotensive

Patient position: supine

Bed position: 90° surgeon away from anesthesia machine on the patient's right side

DVT ppx:  compression boots on and working BEFORE induction of anesthesia

Side Table: yes, xeroform strip gauze, 2-0 prolene,  scissors, forceps,  local anesthesia, alcohol wipe, large gloves, 4x4s

Preinjection: inject 10 mL lidocaine 1% 1/100 K epinephrine into each side

Lights:  surgeon headlamp

Power:  yes, drill

Bovie Settings: 30-30 with Teflon guarded but tip

Prep: Betadine on the face, chlorhexidine in the mouth

Drapes: head draped as shown in illustration, four towels around face, and  a split sheet


Instrument sets:  Stryker Mandible Set, Stryker SmartLock MMF, 24G wire, 26G wire (scrub tech please pre-stretch the wires)

Special Instruments:  Clear plastic self-retaining lip retractor

Devices/Implants: Stryker Mandible Set, Stryker Smart Lock Hybrid MMF set

IMG 0178
IMG 0177

Hypodermic needles:  27gauge

Syringes: 10 mL

Drains: no

Suture:3-0 chromic SH

Anesthesia on field:  none

Dressing: job bra

Admission status: a.m. admission

Estimated time: two hours

Coding: check w surgeon

Post-op wound care:

Post-op activity restirctions:

Follow up: one week